Trigger Animation Notes
idle idle/td>

throwing seeding/throwing/foraging used for planting seeds and such
hacking chopping/breaking stone more farming animations, Sprites for tools provided by CharacterBase
watering Use the Watering Can Sprite for Can provided by CharacterBase
lifting Plucking Crops, Lifting Stuff
fishing Fishing, it’s not a single animation! Sprite for fishing rod provided by CharacterBase
smithing Only left and right animation
climbing Only up

Pushing somethin the character is facing
pulling Pulling somethin the character is facing
sleeping One frame
sideglance Only left and right
sittingstool Sitting down on a stool without stool
sittingstoolasleep Sleeping while sitting
sittingstooldrinking Drinking while sitting only left and right
sittingground Sitting at the ground
sittingground2 Sitting at the ground again
toetapping Tap you Toe while waiting
combat_swordshield Draw your sword and shield and get into combat stance
combat_spear Draw your spear and get into combat stance
combat_bow Draw your bow and get into combat stance
sheath Seath your weapon Only working when in combat stance
slash1 Slash Attack, Sword and Spear Only working when in combat stance
slash2 Slash Attack, Sword Only working when in combat stance
thrust Thrust Attack, Sword and Spear Only working when in combat stance
thrust2 Thrust Attack, Spear Only working when in combat stance
shieldbash Attack with shield, Sword Only working when in combat stance
retreat Make a Retreat Only working when in combat stance
lunge Lunge at your opponent Only working when in combat stance
parry Parry an attack Only working when in combat stance
dodge Dodge an attack Only working when in combat stance
hurt Ouch Only working when in combat stance
dead Falling down Only working when in combat stance
shootup Ballistic shooting, Bow Only working when in combat stance
shootstraight Shooting an arrow, Bow Only working when in combat stance